Creating and Deploying a Gatsby Site with AWS CDK
initialize a gatsby blog starter
make the first gatsby default commit
install aws cdk
cdk init an app, choose javascript
update the gitignore
make the first commit
configure AWS sso
cdk bootstrap account and regions
cdk sync test and deploy shell to aws
configure cdk stack environment with account
Site Deployment Resources
- set variables (domain) as props
- set tags
- create s3 bucket
- create sample static deployment
- import hosted zone
- create cert
- set OAI
- create distribution
- Create r53 record for apex
- create r53 record for www
CI/CD Pipeline
- create codestar connection (pending)
- authenticate github connection in codestar
- create aws resources
Blog Post(s) & Theme
- Find and implement a dark theme for site
- Write 3 blog posts
- Project motivations & Document repo (possibly a markdown slide deck in MDX as a gatsby post?)
- Review of CDK Implementation
- Review of Gatsby && Build implementation
Gatsby Starter Blog
npm i -g aws-cdk
cdk --version # 2.45.0 (build af1fb7c)
cdk init app --language javascript
Configure AWS CLI for SSO
Make sure you select the region your SSO lives in, not the region you want to interact with! You will get an error otherwise about an Invalid Grant.
More info about using named profiles with IAM Identity Center (formerly AWS SSO)
Bootstrapping basics
Bootstrapping multiple regions
cdk bootstrap \
aws://310141637485/us-east-1 \
aws://310141637485/us-east-2 \
aws://310141637485/us-west-1 \
aws://310141637485/us-west-2 \
--profile cstgsso
CDK Docs
CDK API Reference Docs
Static Site Construct
CDK Pipelines
Note about github codestar connections No L2 constructs in v2 yet?
Locally test Codebuild Buildspecs
./ -i 3c8ea9e9584d -a local-build -m