Setting up a fresh PC For development
- Chrome & google sign-in (sync)
- 1password sign-in (sync)
- Enable Remote desktop, configure on mac
- Enable WSL 1 and restart
- Install and set up ubuntu
- Set up auto hotkeys
- Set up cmder terminal for ubuntu
- Install and set up tmux with settings
- Configure vim and settings
- Install and configure vs code for cmder
- Configure AWS credentials and profiles
Note: I found out how to set the default directory in Ubuntu correctly
set "PATH=%ConEmuBaseDirShort%\wsl;%PATH%" & %ConEmuBaseDirShort%\conemu-cyg-64.exe --wsl -C~ -cur_console:pm:/mnt
The addition of -C~
after --wsl
is the key.
- Create ssh key
- Set up ubuntu installs (below)
Ubuntu Installs
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
- Git
- Node
- Nvm
- aws-cli
- awsume??
New thoughts after a crash, the new first steps
First, get windows on there
- Don't accept additional services
- Don't enter license
- Log into ms account
- Confirm correct install drive, 2 external drives
- Log out, shut down, remove media
- Start up (check bios boot order)
- Check drives are correct
- Format "mistake drives"
Basic day to day:
- Enter win pro license key
- Backup/Recovery destinations & Schedule
- Updates & interruption schedule
- remote desktop setup and verify
- chrome install, pin to taskbar
- Remove edge shortcut and taskbar pin
- 1password install, secret key, authenticate, and sync
- chrome login
- autohotkey install
- autohokey mac script (need to re-find)
- auto execute autohotkey on startup
- discord
- ssh setup and verify
- foklift remote sftp setup and verify
Content Creation
- obs
- goxlr install
- goxlr basic mic setup, starter settings
- Basic component, composite, and scene for sm7b audio in
- obs ndi plugin
- recording disk location (2nd SSD)
- OBS profile (and credentials)
- Camera control install and setup
- Scenes & Components
- Stream & Record settings
- Music, effects, local stuff
- Screen cap from mac
- Camera(s)
- Streamdeck and controls
- blizzard
- Go here!
- Make sure it's for windows!
- Auth to battlenet
- Pick games to install, and pick an alt install location. Be careful, your C drive is default on every install (the battlenet client, and the game(s))
- steam
- Go here!
- Click Install Steam (double check it's windows)
- Go ahead and install it on an external, esp if it's SSD and SATA internal
- The above may not apply if local disk latency impacts your game experience
- wsl2
- docker
- vs code with sync
- remote connect locally
- remote connect remotely (via ssh)